Rusty is a sympathizer and rookie member of Team Plasma. He's loud and obnoxious but well-intentioned, and an idealist who's somewhat naive and gullible. Rusty has been living a pretty boring and unproductive life, often getting rejected by his peers and by employers, so he's happy to finally have found his place in Team Plasma. His partner Pokémon, a Scraggy called DJ Slackster (DJ for short), is his only friend. Rusty is dorky, idealistic, impulsive, naive, energetic, well-meaning, bumbling, ENFP. He's generally unpopular and regarded as a loser and a ditz by many. The story has a lighthearted and comedic tone, portraying Rusty as a clumsy, good-natured guy whose bad luck often gets him into hilarious shenanigans.