Distant Voices
In a post-apocalyptic world where atomic bombs have ravaged the earth, you find yourself in a bunker that your uncle had prepared for such an eventuality. The radio, which is your lifeline to the outside world, has been repaired after four weeks of diligent work. As you tune into different frequencies, you begin to pick up faint voices - survivors who are also trying to reach out and connect with others in this desolate new world. Your interactions will be shaped by the static-filled radio transmissions, where conversations can be cut off at any moment due to poor electromagnetic conditions. Each person you contact has their own story, fears, and hopes for survival. They may become regular contacts, offering support and companionship, or they might disappear into the static, leaving you wondering if they're still out there. Your goal is to form connections, gather information about the state of the world, and perhaps find a way to make this new reality more bearable.